

STEAM教育ワークショップ『アートの歴史から覗くピンホールカメラの世界』The World of Pinhole Camera Through the History of Art




In the era of rapid technological advancement, the ability to think critically in order to solve problems with “intuition” and “imagination” is an essential skill, and one which the children of today must develop in order to be prepared for the future. As a result, the delivery style of education is gradually shifting from “teaching” to “nurturing” the abilities of children to think critically, solve problems and learn through projects.

湘南ゼミナールの研究チーム SHO-zemi Labs では、子どもたちを対象に、新しい学びの方法を探求する先進的なワークショップを企画開催いたしました。

SHO-zemi Labs, a research team at Shonan Seminar, organized this innovative workshop for children to explore learning in new ways.


The “Science, History, & Art of the Pinhole Camera” workshop was a Project Based Learning (PBL) experience that taught science through the lens of art in a bilingual environment.

アメリカではじまった STEM (Science 科学、Technology テクノロジー、Engineering エンジニアリング、Mathematics 数学)にArt(芸術)の要素が加わったSTEAMは、世界中に広がり、進化し続けています。その STEAM の要素を取り入れた最新のワークショップの模様をぜひご覧ください。

Please check out below the report of our latest workshop which incorporated the principles of STEAM (Disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) education that began in the United States as STEM and has evolved to include art disciplines, STEAM. It has continued to spread and evolve throughout the world.

The World of Pinhole Camera Through the History of Art


The children were asked, “What is essential for living? What do we need other than clothes, food, and shelter?”


In addition to food, clothing and shelter, we need ART to live! The 4th essential of life is ART!


Art is the expression of human experience, not only entertainment or a hobby. The journey to this realization was an unexpected one for the students! They were challenged to give opinions on how the history of art is related to the future of art. They discussed their honest opinions through the lens of their personal experiences and strived to answer the question.


Artists and scientists observe things from multiple angles and perspectives and ask questions that lead to great works of art and inventions. The session focused on the theme of the “pinhole camera,” specifically that it was a catalyst of innovation in its period and inspired the minds of the scientists and artists who have shaped our modern experience through their impact on history.

” ピンホール”とは、その名の通り「ピンで開けた穴=小さな穴」を意味します。

“Pinhole” literally means “a small hole or the hole made by a pin.”


During this sunny season, when you have had occasion to rest in the shade, have you noticed anything unusual about the image of the tree shadows?

The light that shines through the spaces between the leaves on the trees appears round– different from the shapes of the leaves.


Aristotle (384B.C.~322B.C.), an ancient Greek philosopher, had questions about this phenomena and this inquiry is believed to be the beginning of identifying the pinhole phenomenon.


Children made a mesh with their hands and experimented with light on the paper below, paying careful attention to how the image would appear when the sunlight passed through.

その後、「光学の父」とも謳われるアラビアの博物学者イブン・アル=ハイサムによって、ピンホール現象を応用した、Camera Obscura(カメラ・オブスキュラ)が発明されました。いちばん最初のピンホールカメラは、一方の壁に光が差し込むためのピンホール(小さな穴)が開けられ、その反対側の壁にさかさまのイメージが投影される真っ暗な部屋でした。

Later, Ibn al-Haitham, father of optics invented the Camera Obscura that applied the pinhole phenomena. The very first pinhole camera was a dark room with a pinhole (a very small hole) on the wall for the light to shine into the room and project an image onto the other side of the room.


Children were surprised to discover that people from the past tried to answer everyday life questions, and that searching for answers led to the recognition of the “pinhole phenomenon” and contributed greatly to the development of art.

さらに子どもたちは、Camera Obscura の模型を覗いてその構造を体験しました。

Children further experienced the structure by looking through the model of the camera obscura.


In everyday life, when you see a shape, whether you see it as a mathematical shape (i.e. a sphere) or simply as the image you recognize (i.e. a basketball) affects the richness of your perception of the world around you.


In the next session, children applied science and math and learned about the refraction of light through the examples of materials that are familiar to them.


The children were asked to discuss many questions in small groups. One such question was “Light travels in a straight line in 〇〇. What goes into the 〇〇?” Another question was “How can you collect light?” Still others were “If you look through a bent rubber tube, as in this picture, will you be able to see the tree on the other end?” and “If you look into a spoon, how will your face appear? “


Children thought outside the box and discussed with their small group members to arrive at the correct answers. They learned about the “nature of light,” a topic which they study in their science classes, in a challenging new manner which gave them both freedom and responsibility in their learning process.


In the end, children were asked to solve this challenge as an application of their knowledge.


In order to shoot this “F” with your pinhole camera and get a properly faced F, how would you shoot it?




“Please try to solve this puzzle!” To solve this problem, children had to look at this image and think in three-dimensions, instead of in the flat images that they had been seeing throughout the whole class. The central theme conveyed in this session was a very important life lesson- we should look at things from multiple perspectives and not restrict ourselves to the things that we can see. That is the power of creative application and where they can see science and mathematics in action in their lives.


During the lesson, the questions that the teachers asked, keywords, and opinions that students presented were written in both Japanese and English on the white board in real time. So, while students listened to the session in Japanese, they also learned new English words and phrases through writing.


優秀なアーティスト兼小学校の先生でもある David Felix 先生とゲスト・ファシリテーターが主導しました。

The final session was for making!

Mr. David Felix, a talented artist, elementary school teacher and the guest facilitator of this workshop, took the lead.


写真の基本知識をひと通り学んだ後には、Felix 先生が自らのピンホールカメラを使って撮影された作品を見ました。自分で作ったピンホールカメラで撮れる世界感に、生徒たちの期待はますます高まります。

After learning basic knowledge about photography, children looked through the photographs that Mr. Felix took with his own pinhole camera. Students got very excited about the possible photographs that they could take with their own pinhole cameras.


The analog feel of pictures taken with one’s own handcrafted camera is exciting to enthusiasts of all ages around the world!



The main materials were a match box, 35mm film and its box, 1mm brass sheet, a needle and black electrical tape. Students first poked a small hole in the brass sheet, and then executed numerous very exact steps that required their attention to precision down to the millimeter.


Though the students’ hands are small, they were challenged by the fine steps and enjoyed the creation process. In the end, the pinhole camera that they completed looked like this…


Let’s go outside to take pictures!

向かったのは湘南ゼミナール本部からすぐの高島水際線公園(横浜市西区)。この日は気候もよく、東京湾へと繋がる 帷子川も陽の光が当たってキラキラとしていました。

Children headed to the Takashima Suisaisen Park (Yokohama Nishi district), close to the Shonan Seminar headquarters.
It was a beautiful sunny day, and the sunlight danced on the surface of the Katabira river as it flowed into the Tokyo Bay.


Each time the children took a photo, they turned their clicker 6 times, “clickety-click-click, clickety-click-click,” to roll the film to the next frame manually.


Children relied on their senses to guide them as they explored the park, searching for subjects for their photographs. They enjoyed the entire experience of the photoshoot, learning outside of the classroom. We saw the children applying the knowledge that they learned in the morning sessions during their conversations with their newly made workshop friends. Thoughtful comments such as “This angle is very interesting,” “The point is how much light we take into the camera!” and “How would a moving object turn out in the photograph?” elicited lively discussion and reinforced their absorbed knowledge, giving them an opportunity to share that knowledge with each other.

この日子どもたちが撮影した写真は、世界ピンホールカメラの日展示会 WPPD Exhibitionに出展いたします。

※出展名:「SHO-zemi Makerspace Works」


The photographs that the children took on this day are on exhibit on the “World Pinhole Camera Day (WPPD)” website under the gallery name SHO-zemi Makerspace Works. Their work will be available for viewing for the entire year, in celebration of World Pinhole Camera Day.


The exhibit is open to contributions from individuals, schools and community groups. Please take a look! Perhaps their work will inspire you to contribute to the gallery for 2020?


The pinhole camera workshop offered a valuable opportunity for the children to create a meaningful experience for themselves, thereby realizing the connection between what they learn in school and applications of that knowledge in the world around them. Also, through group work, they understood the value of cooperating and the joy of learning together with others. We hope that the next time they see a camera, either with a lens or on a smartphone, that they will be curious about why it works, and this experience will spark the desire to ask questions and gain knowledge beyond what they see on the surface level in life happening around them.

SHO-zemi Labs Makerspace では、子供たちの興味を刺激し、学校で学んでいる理論や概念を実践的に応用する機会を提供するべく、プロジェクトベースの学びの機会を提供していきます。SHO-zemi Labs Makerspace のイベントに今後もご期待ください!

SHO-zemi Lab Makerspace will continue to offer Project Based Learning opportunities to stimulate children’s interests and provide an opportunity for hands-on application of the theories and concepts which they are learning in school. Please look forward to more events from SHO-zemi Lab Makerspace!

無料体験 受付中!